Wisconsin Homeschooling

Want to learn more about homeschooling in Wisconsin? Do you need information on the laws regulating home education in the state? Do you want to connect with other homeschoolers in your area? You've come to the right place! Your best source of information on homeschooling in Wisconsin, this website offers you the knowledge and ideas you need to successfully home educate your children.

What's Popular
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
The website for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI).
Valley Home Schoolers (VHS)
Valley Home Schoolers (VHS) is a Christian-focused cooperative with a current membership of over 140 families in 6 counties, open to all homeschoolers. Offers support, information, and activities for children.
Homeschooling in Wisconsin: A Review of Current Issues and Trends
While homeschooling has grown by 1,500 percent in Wisconsin in the past 15 years, it is not a threat to traditional education in the state. Analysis of Wisconsin respondents in one national study indicates 85 percent describe themselves as "Born Again" Christians; were largely middle-class, white, two-parent families, with instruction provided by at-home mothers; and exhibited average extracurricular participation rates. Recent homeschool families are more secular, primarily motivated by academi...
Masters Touch Home Educators
Masters Touch Home Educators is a ministry of Harvest Community Church, located in Oak Creek Wisconsin. Offers support, information, ideas, social activities, and more.
International Crane Foundation
The International Crane Foundation is the world's center for the study and preservation of cranes. Located in Baraboo, the ICF features wattled cranes and red-crowned cranes. You will also see the sarus crane--at six feet in height, easily the tallest flying bird in the world. At the AMOCO Whooping Crane Exhibit, you can relax on comfortable seats and watch one of the world's rarest birds, the whooping crane, as our pair hunt frogs and insects, and interact with each other in their tranquil wetl...
Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University
The Marquette University Haggerty Museum of Art provides transformational learning opportunities through its exhibitions and programs. The museum enriches the intellectual and creative life of the students, faculty and community at large by collecting, displaying, interpreting and contextualizing art objects from a range of historical periods and media. As a forum for critical inquiry, the museum seeks to promote visual literacy and advance knowledge across the academic disciplines.
Racine Zoological Gardens
The Racine Zoological Gardens is one of only 11 free admission accredited zoos left in the entire country. Covering 32 acres, the Zoo is home to over 250 animals representing 76 species. Here you will find giraffes, lions, rhinos, orangutans, kangaroos and more, living in exhibit spaces designed to imitate natural surroundings.
Milwaukee Area Home Learners (MAHL)
MAHL is a community of homeschooling families who gather for friendship, activities and support.
Unschooling Families
Unschooling Families is a homeschool support group for families in east central Wisconsin interested in self-directed and/or interest-initiated learning. Offers tips and ideas, field trips, resource sharing, a newsletter, family events, and more.
Wis Homeschool
This is an inclusive email list for all those interested in homeschooling in Wisconsin and the midwest.
Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway
Calm or dancing waters surrounded by shades of green, the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway provides 252 miles of recreational opportunities. Canoe amid the northwoods, where wolves, deer, otter and porcupine can be seen or boat surrounded by wooded bluffs and historic towns. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 created a thin narrow corridor of protection for the St. Croix and Namekagon Rivers. This corridor provides scenic views and a haven for wildlife. The clean, sparkling river water she...
Wisconsin Parents Association - Issues & Legislation
Resource list for current issue and legislation pertaining to home education in Wisconsin.
West Bend Art Museum
Museum of Wisconsin Art celebrates the value, diversity and uniqueness of the visual arts and artists of Wisconsin. This is achieved by collecting, conserving, documenting, exhibiting and promoting aesthetic understanding of the visual arts of Wisconsin.
PI-1206 Home-Based Private Educational Program Registration Form
This version of the form is for informational purposes only. The home-based registration form is a 3-part carbonless form, and must be requested by calling 608-266-5761 or toll free 1-888-245-2732, extension 1.
Above & Beyond Children's Museum
The Above & Beyond Children's Museum (ABCM) is a non-profit organization servicing Sheboygan County children, their families, and out of town visitors. It offers hands-on, educational exhibits that enhance the lives and experiences of its visitors. From Above & Beyond's humble beginnings as a traveling road show, it quickly outgrew its first location to become an established community treasure. It has operated from its historic three-store downtown location since 1999, enriching the lives of ...
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Ideas and Books: The Method of Education
A selection of Charlotte Mason's writings on the topic of the place of ideas and books in the education of children. Mason's teachings on the topic of education required six large volumes to cover. This book makes it simple for homeschooling parents ...
Guerrilla Learning: How to Give Your Kids a Real Education With or Without School
If you’ve ever felt that your child wasn’t flourishing in school or simply needs something the experts aren’t supplying, you’re ready to become a "guerrilla educator." this books explains what’s wrong (and what’s useful) about our traditional schools...
Creative Home Schooling: A Resource Guide for Smart Families
For a comprehensive guide to home-based education, that does not promote any particular curriculum or religious view, this is one book parents should buy! Parents will appreciate practical advice on getting started, adjusting to new roles, designing...
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning: An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education
Author Douglas Wilson makes the argument that education must have a foundation of religion, which informs worldview. Education is the asking and answering of questions, and learning to read and write is simply the process of acquiring the tools neede...
Climb Inside a Poem for Children Big Book of Poems
The poetry anthology, Climb Inside a Poem: Original Poems for Children, uses the writings of contemporary children's poets, whimsical illustrations, and an expansive big book format (14"x 18") to create a 36-page poetry playground. The children's poe...
Quote of the Day

Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent.

John Dewey